ARTISANAL PEN WRAP by Gav & Sav are eco and fountain pen-friendly wraps!
The fabric prints and textures are carefully selected and combined one at a time. And with each completed pen wrap thoughtfully made to consider different personality styles, storage requirements as well as purpose for everyday carry and usage.
Peek-a-boo pen wraps are great for any pen collector’s requirement. They are designed to satisfy the need for easy access to one or all of your favorite pens, all at the same time! They are easily carried and displayed however you want them. Lay them flat, roll it up and make it stand – with and without support in your desk, bag or drawer. They can complement your pen collection by serving as color guide and organizer.
The choice of fabric is mostly cotton material. It is well-constructed and padded to give your precious fountain pens the extra comfort and protection it deserves.
For this particular product, the sunny yellow sunflowers can easily warm someone’s heart. Inviting and captivating, it can easily lift one’s spirit. It has the perfect happy color for any day and for any pen.
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