Get yourself a Gav & Sav Pink Single Pen Sleeve to protect a treasured fountain pen. Made of breathable cotton material, it is able to keep a favorite pen from harmful elements such as heat and moisture. It doesn’t cause pen bodies to stain nor cause its metal parts to rust. It is also washable and easy to maintain. Perfect for any kind of pen including those with delicate urushi lacquered bodies. And wonderful to use daily; to carry your current, favorite fountain pen in style.
This pink single pen sleeve will look great with any of your fountain pens. Pretty in its distressed, watercolor-like appearance, the material used is fantastic in absorbing accidental ink splats. And if you can imagine it, the stains will be like art in the mottled background. But of course, being made from fabric, you can always wash it off. 😊
Buy this pink pen kimono to try or to give to a pen friend! Get also a pink, 6-slots pen wrap with flap when you need to bring more than pens to school or to the office, or to give as gift to your boss. Our wraps make perfect gifts for any occasion. 👌
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