Gav&Sav’s Field Notes Notebook Wrap lets you carry your pocket notebook/s in style. It provides cushion to your Field Notes notebook/s while protecting it from dust and dirt. A convenient pen and notebook organizer, it has a useful butterfly-flap pen-loops to hold a pen in place. Making it handy and within easy reach for when you need a pen and a notebook quickly to write a note or an idea. Designed to be functional and made-well, this wrap like all our notebook jackets, is light and easy to use. It is ideal to carry in a small bag. And practical to be carried by hand to errands, to meetings or to any place you go.
Made of fabric material, it is washable and eco-friendly. 👌What’s more, part of this mini notebook dust jacket came from our fabric scrap stash. What a pretty and brilliant way to use them, right? When you buy this item, you don’t only get a decent wrap for your Field Notes notebook. You also inspire us more to keep on using our scraps; to create pieces that are not only unique, but also wonderful for your notebooks and for our environment.
Buy this and get a pen wrap with the same print. Or message us to inquire on other available wraps! Browse all our product lines to find gifts for your friends. Our wraps make perfect gifts suitable for any occasion.
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