Notebook Sleeve and Pen Wrap Sets

Our creations are easy to like and fall in love with. A variety of quality printed fabrics plus our skillful way of putting them together makes striking pieces! You’d want to buy for your own personal usage or gift to your family and friends. Aside from looking great, the Gav & Sav Wraps in sets can properly protect writing essentials such as notebooks and pens from scratches as well as from normal daily wear and tear.

The Gav & Sav Wraps Set features different pairings of notebook dust jacket with matching pen-wrap/s. But with so many different styles created through the years, how can you narrow and pick just a few pieces when they are all beautiful, right? We’ve made it easier for you!  In here you will find a set of a notebook cover sleeves and pen wrap that comes only in pairs. Just enough to get you started.

Get your favorite matchy-matchy pairs of Gav & Sav wraps set in pairs now!

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